Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Arky and "Modoc" (From Buckles)

SAVE0405, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Why is the music "Popcorn & Lemonade" going through my head as I view these great photos of the '51 season?

"Doesn"t look like the feathers on his helmet are going to make the season!" Buckles


Anonymous said...

The show didn't spend much money on headpieces even tho they now had Waxie there to make harness, etc.

Anonymous said...

"The show didn't spend much money on headpieces"

Although, I have to marvel at all the spots (studs) on some of those old headpieces. Back then, all set by hand. Don't think they had spot setting machines in those days. It must have been quite an undertaking making headpieces for a big herd. Same thing with the big liberty acts with the detailed harness. If a harness maker worked alone, it would be several months work.
Today, a single set of show draft harness for the Budweiser team costs close to 10 grand.

David said...

Is this the same Modoc as in the Ralph Helfer book?

Buckles said...

Helfer included her in his book but he never set eyes on her unless he bought a ticket to the Ringling Show.
He owned a one-eyed elephant of that name but made up most of the stories about her and everything else.

Anonymous said...

very well stated Mr. Woodcock CleanRaul