Thursday, September 27, 2007

From Randy Peterson #1

2, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

At some point could you run this photo on your blog. It is one of a very few I have Of Tony Hughes and maybe some of your readers across the pond can help out with his were-abouts..and any info on where,or what he is doing would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks Randy

"Randy and I know Tony from the Blue Show 1994-95 when he took care of the Chipperfield tigers and elephants.
He was a good friend, a hard worker but most importantly, A Jolly Good Chap!" Buckles


Anonymous said...

Tony drops in once or twice a year. Saw him last a couple of months ago. He is now living in Liverpool, however, he was planning on moving out to Vegas. He had a job offer and was waiting on a visa. Drop me an email and I will give you his number.