Friday, August 24, 2007

This morning's Tampa Tribune

Scan000010064, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.


Bob Cline said...

Congratulations on passing the Million viewer mark. It says a lot about your generous sharing of Circus and elephant Histories and how your viewers can't get enough. Here's to years to come!

Anonymous said...

Once again I am bothered that nothing by USDA licenced members are not demanding that an investigation be done in regard to animal abuse at the so-called elephant sactuary in Tennessee. In these days of excess 100 degree tempetures and obviously the lack of adequate shelter and some sort of pond or lake and with the flies and mosquitos, etc. plus the obvious fact that certainly all the trees have to be devastated with the elephants rubbing the bark off them, no matter how many or few acres they have to roam. They are in "captivity" no matter how it is described and in turn should be in a spraying program and general individual care rather than just be allowed to roam. I wasw suspect as to their operations when a water wagon had to be used during the shameful death of one of the employees. But most of all, you as licenced U*SDA have a right as Whistle Blowers and awareness of the guidlines to get assurance that everything is being done for the well being of those animals. I would like to believe I am wrong in my concern and only an investigation by unbiased committee would relieve that anxiety. Those elephants sure deserve that. I recall visiting the Arthur Jones compound here in Florida and the grass and trees were gone in just a few short weeks. It looked like a war ravaged area and wasn't meant to be that way.

Anonymous said...

Heard on the world wide web that the one millionth visitor was Tim Holst.

Anonymous said...

Buckles, I am looking forward to the next goal of 2,000,000 viewers. It will be easier to achieve than one million. Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

do you think lawyers know anything about elephants only what the animal fanatics tell them we had a case where the animal libbers Australia's (peta) said our elephants are only paper mock ups
when you are dealing with people who claim chooks can talk you wonder what world they are in.
lets give free bungee jumping to peta with no strings attached.
robert perry

Anonymous said...

The USDA doesn't care about the truth, they are a buracratic organization for special interest groups not agriculture. How else would you explain them destroying a rural Vermont family's sheep breeding and cheesemaking farm to "save America from the threat of mad cow disease". It is a fact that sheep can't contract this disease, USDA knew this and slaughtered them anyway and promoted the person responsible for it. All because they wouldn't challenge the beef industry. I worked at a park that I thought an upcoming inspection could help get some things done. We passed inspection because the inspector was a fishing buddy of a curator! Nevermind the metal doors falling of the elephant barn. They only challenge people who are doing a good job with their animals and land so they can later say "we made them clean up their act". USDA, Humane Society, PETA... all the same.