Thursday, August 02, 2007

Royal Stebbing Circus 1978 #3

stebbing 1978-2n 001, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

This of course is "Opal" who along with "Anna May" were the two finest elephants I ever worked.
In my file I have the four former Polack Show elephants listed that were acquired this year, two females "Opal" and "Kae", two males "Louie" and "Mike". Also included was a small female "Lou" that the Stebbings had owned since 1976.


24-HOUR-MAN said...

Are these the ones that eventually became The Venezualan National Elephants????

Anonymous said...

Would that have been Stella instead of Kae? Didn't Kae go with Jean and Millie in 1968?

As to the cat act: Any information from Roger S., Bob C., or others?

Buckles said...

Jim, you are right about that.