Sunday, August 19, 2007

No. 156- Margarita Nazarova with Moscow State Circus 1955

Scan000010029, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.


Anonymous said...

Maybe this is how Exxon got the idea to use a tiger for their logo. Vrrooooom! tiger power

Anonymous said...

Does anyone else cringe at the idea of loading this prop into a trailer? Looks good.

Petr said...

Margarita Nazarova was one of the artists who could be regarded as super star of the world circus but because of the iron curtain she was known only in Eastern Europe.
Similar example is certain Olga Berouskova, former Czechoslovak tiger trainer who performed in circus Humberto in 1973 - 1978. Whoever had possibility to see this charming tiger lady, was able to admit that she could see imbodiment extraordinary charm and taming skills which has never been seen else in Europe in that period.

Wade G. Burck said...

Do you know Jimmy Cole? You fellow's could really cut up some jackpots.
Wade Burck