Sunday, August 12, 2007

Marco Peters , with sea lions Mimi, Alicia, and Sammi (From Henry Penndorf)

Marco Peters, daredevil and animal trainer with Ringling Brothers is now working with Sea Lions. He and his wife Kathi have their own foundation, Squalus Inc. ( Marco Peters presents a Sea Lion show with Sea Lions that have been orphaned or beached.

The Houcke Family has their own web

I think I have asked this question before, but would you know what ever happened to Katja Schumann, Paul Binder's wife? I have noticed that her name is not mentioned in connection with the Big Apple Circus anymore.


Buckles said...

I saw Katja last winter in Sarasota and as far as I know she remains with David Balding's Circus Flora.

Bob Cline said...

Ditto to Buckles comment. I saw her on Circus Flora last May in Charleston, SC.

Anonymous said...

Katja went to perform with "Levade" a Swedish horse show last year, then she returned to Circus Flora for the Spring/Summer tour. Her daughter Katharine is the company manager for Circus Flora. Yasmine Smart is now the horse trainer at the Big Apple Circus.

Anonymous said...

Marco Peters, Marcel Peters, Jason Peters- how are these trainers related?