Tuesday, August 21, 2007

King & Tucker Shows 1910 #5

Scan000010044, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Letter from Bill Woodcock..........1/28/46..........To Joe Fleming

Capt. Charles "Blackie" Duncan was crippled in both ankles. Born that way.
Can't remember just which of the Elmer Jones 2-car circuses you might have seen but one had "Judy", a bull that did a swell single act. The other bull "Lucy" wasn't so much.
Duncan broke "Judy" for Jones around 1910. I have a picture of them with King & Tucker Shows........dinner table act.
Blackie was also with that old "Howes" Show out of Kansas City. They had a small bull which is stated to be the M.L. Clark "Ned" (Tusko) however it seems Blackie told me that the Howes elephant was a small female.
The Jones "Judy" is, as far as I know, in the Lincoln Park Zoo in Chicago.