Monday, August 20, 2007

Ken Maynard

SAVE0344, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.


Anonymous said...

I'll tell you what- if a fella came ridin' along on a handsome steed like this, he wouldn't be ridin' off into the sunset alone! A good looking horse can sweep some girls off their feet quicker than anything. (Well, that or a good looking lion...!)

Other women like fancy cars, I'm told. Pffftht. Go figure.

Great picture. I really like this series today. The world could use a few cowboy heros like these gentlemen right about now.

Buckles said...

Today I think most of the young ladies would prefer "Texas Jack" seen below (minus the tie).
He looks something like a Rock Artist.

Anonymous said...

I hear what you're saying, Buckles. Texas Jack does look like a Rolling Stone.

'Rock" artist. Rolling "Stone". Aw, c'mon. Give me a break with my cornball jokes. It's 6:00 a.m.

Anonymous said...

Ken Maynard came to the Cristiani show when we played Los Angeles in 1959. Big tall man. They introduced him and he stood up but I didn't get as close to him as I did to Bob Cummings and Spike Jones, whom I spoke to.

Anyway, Ken Maynard was one of the greats and I'm proud to have seen him that Sunday. Years later I heard he had died in obscurity. What a damn shame.

Joel T. said...

Hi Buckles;
I was good friends with Ken Maynard for the last 10 years of his life (1963-1973), and visited him and Bertha often in their trailer. Ken loved history and dates of events, and we spent a lot of time disagreeing about the how-and-where of historical events--but we enjoyed the face-offs. I have one of Ken's scrapbooks that has many personal appearances with his circus as well as with other attractions. He has made notations throughout of places and dates. It is a treasured remembrance of my old friend. I attended his funeral, along with a few others, including Iron Eyes Cody (another friend of 49 years), and Hank Worden, and George 'Tadpole' Havens. I sure miss Ken. He was more than a cowboy, he was also a good friend.
Buckles, you have a simply wonderful blog, and I totally enjoy it!

Joel T.