Friday, August 03, 2007

James Christy Cole Circus 2007 #8

Omaha 07' 023, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

The Grand Finale


Buckles said...

After close examination of this picture, I have determined that Mr. Hall must have had a clause in his contract, "No Parade", "No Spec" and "No Finale".

Anonymous said...

Mr. Hall's excuse in Evansville, is that he has to sit with Josip Marcan, to keep Shriners out of his way while he photographs. On other dates, he claim's that somebody has to fill up the jelly bean treat pouches, and he is the only one that can do it right. No jelly beans, no bear act. What's a Producer to do? Wade Burck

Anonymous said...

I have to clear something up. A friend just called and asked what my excuse was for not doing Spec in Evansville. My reason is not an excuse, it is valid reason. I promised Herta, I would make sure John get's safely to the cages, to help shift the tigers, and not get trampled by the Mounted Patrol. Thank you for letting me set the record straight. Wade Burck

Anonymous said...

To those who live in glass houses;
If you gents would clean your glasses you will take note in the spec photo that my left arm and side is in the photo sporting a pokie dot formal attire. In regards to the finale; for every action there is a reaction. Many years ago while touring for Ian Garden Sr, his son came to me slightly put out that his father let me park by the back door and wouldn't let him in a gunshot of it. He wanted to know why? I informed him that I laughed at all his dad's jokes. The burden of payment can be dear. As Paul Harvey says; And now you know the rest of the story !