Monday, August 13, 2007

Cole Bros. Circus #1 (From KLSDAD)

04 Entrance, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Hello all...

Enjoyed the 8:30 performance of Cole Bros. Circus last Sat. August 4, 2007 at Coney Island.

Sure enjoyed the smell of fresh sawdust.

George Hanneford III presented the 3 elephants and the elephant rides. Elephant act quite good but unfortunately, at the other end of the tent facing away from me.

Good crowd. Big Top about 80% full, at $20 a bargain. No cat act
but quite adequate trapeze and bareback juggling. Bothersome vendors every few minutes all thru the show. Better and creative lighing would have helped a lot. Canned music except for percussion and singing ring-mistress. Not sure about the duo ringmaster/mistress. (..Two people ..not drag!!)

Here are a few photos, near the REAR of the elephant, the sign on the wall, "The Future of Coney Island" can certainly be interpreted a couple ways.
