Thursday, July 05, 2007

Otto Floto Dog & Pony Show 1902 #1

Scan10028, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

"Workers painting poles and stakes preparatory to setting up tops for the first time."
The remarks in parenthesis were written by my father.

This is the birth of what would eventually become the mighty Sells-Floto Circus. Organized in Denver by H.H. Tammen and Otto Floto and financed by F.G. Bonfils, owner of the Denver Post.
Show was framed on seven cars, 1 advance, 1 elephant/diner, 2 stock cars, 2 flat cars and 1 coach).


Anonymous said...

Buckles; This was in the Herarld-Tribune this morning. Thought it might be of interest to the Circus Community.

Las Vegas


Three men enslaved more than twenty members of a Chinese acrobatic team, paying them next to nothing to perform and confiscating their passports and visas, federal authorities said. You Zhi Li,38, Yang Shen,21, and Jun Hu,43 were arrested this week on slavery charges and made an initial appearance in U S District Court in Las Vegas. A preliminary hearing was scheduled for July 13.

Anonymous said...

That's nothing, the Ringling show has been enslaving performers for years.
Also, during the past two years Ringling has TORTURED millions of people by making them sit through the Blue Unit.

Anonymous said...

What a great photo from 1902. It's amazing that not much has changed. In 60 or so plus years I recall my brother and I were draw knifing a telephone pole readying it for a center and sharpening stakes on a hand crank forge at little Bob Stevens w.q. in Alamo Tx.He still had a stationary powered stake driver,on the mighty Sells Bros.
Johnny, caution what you say, your post could start an up rising with candy butchers in regards to CHINESE on the bibles?