Saturday, July 21, 2007

Hagenbeck-Wallace Circus 1937 #22

#2, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Barbara mentioned that of all the ladies, this one seemed to have the most authority as tho she had worked in elephant acts for some time.
My dad always called the strap she is holding, a "mount strap" however Logan said that on the Ringling Show they called it a "bally strap" (Bally Broads?).


Anonymous said...

Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't this a corruption of the term "Ballet Ladies" from the aerial ballet. When I was kid, I thought that the term referred to the fact that they sometimes had to flash up the bally platform on the sideshow.

Buckles said...

Aerial Ballet, that called for another uncouth reference, "The Chambermaid's Frolic".