Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Cole Bros. #1 (From Lane Talburt)

Cole Bros.006_edited, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

No matter how little it resembles the old Clyde Beatty Circus (and I saw it when I was a boy), the Cole Bros. layout is still attractive, especially on a grassy lot, like this shot in Willimantic, Connecticut, in June.

And this shot (with donikers and inflatables) is in stark contrast with the offerings on old canvas lots, when workmen simply dug trenches and placed saw-horse contraptions for toilets, and when concessionaires sold chamelions to excited youngsters.

Lane Talburt


Anonymous said...

Am I missing something here but do all of the tractors have a single axle in the rear, It would seem that the loads are not very heavy. Albert if you see this let us know how heavy these trailers are.