Thursday, July 26, 2007

Carson & Barnes Circus 2007 #1 (From Bob Unterreiner)

Scan10002, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Mr. Unterreiner standing by the Carson & Barnes elephant herd at Morris, Illinois 7/5/07.


Brandon-Newbie said...

I visted the Carson and Barnes Circus with my kids last night--we live 40 miles south of Chicago. We were super impressed. Great Show. I consider my self a fan of the circus and have been going fo years and now get to being my kids. They had never been to a tented show before and the magic of an old-fashined bigtop was really cool for them to see. The shows we were at were so packed they had to bust out extra bleachers and then dismantle most of rings 1 and 3 for additional seating! It was great to see such a huge crowd--My only suggestion to them would be to beef up the animal acts--they need a cat act, and add some elephants--I wonder why they only had 4??

Anonymous said...

The 4 elephants is strictly an economic measure, as I'm sure that Barbara would have 10 or 15 if they could afford to keep them on the road.