Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Russell Bros. Circus 1936 #1

SAVE2973, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Arkadelphia, Ark. 10/31/36.

Seen during the blow off, it looks like a pretty good matinee crowd.
Unfortunately the big top isn't included in this picture which would have been a good sized tent since a flying act is listed in the program (Flying Fishers).


Anonymous said...

What a wonderful insight of one of Americas great overland shows of that era. A sizeable show and with some quality acts as were others of the same time frame, Downie, Barnett-Ray Rogers-Wallace, Bud Anderson, George Engesser-Schell Bros.. Generally with a good street parade, some three or four elephants. Plus the number of RR shows that were out there as well. A name comes to mind; Charlie Sparks, who was one of the few show owners that made the successful transition from RR to trucks with quality shows in both ventures. I think that should be recognized. My father told me that in the mid forties in early Fall when the south tobacco harvest was not so hot that Zack Terrel [Cole Breos.] brought Charlie Sparks on the show to stay with him in his private car as an advisor consultant to get the Fall route shaped up. Quite impressive in that Terrel had more big time expertise than did Sparks, but was aware of Mr. Soarks ability and knowledge of the industry in that geographic area.

We know that Concello did buy the Webb owned Russel show, put it on rails and in essence create the Clyde Beatty railroad show. Wouldn't it be nice if we could have similar type shows on the road today. I personally feel the downfall of those great shows were, among other things, the phone rooms, whereby you could bring in any pile of trash and make money. I will say however that Mills Bros. always put on a good show.