Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Wirth Circus #4

ray humpreys dyslers, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

Elizabeth Perry with Wirths, 1950's I think.
Robt. Perry

"This may be a misprint. It looks more like Ray Humphries with Neets and Roy Deisler to me." Buckles


24-HOUR-MAN said...

No doubt, that is Ray, Neets, & Roy.
The last time I saw Roy & Neets was at Idlewilde Park in Legonier PA, where they were running the Novelty Stand. The McDonalds, who ran the park liked having retired performers working in the park, Nellie & Bosie Dutton ran the Shooting Gallery, Bob Fisher ran the warehouse, & Wally Fisher had the Rootbeer Stand. The last time I saw Micky King she was in charge of the Kiddie Rides there.

Anonymous said...

correct it is a misprint it is Ray
Roy & neets Elizabeth Perry is in the photo before with the Escalantes.
Robert Perry