Saturday, May 19, 2007

Kelly-Miller Circus 1951 #1

SAVE2827, originally uploaded by bucklesw1.

D.R. Miller presenting his liberty act.


Anonymous said...

Great photos today!! Any idea when this one was taken? I sort of remember seeing D.R working a liberty act in the mid-60s but maybe he wasn't performing by that time.

Also, note the banner in the background. The Hugo shows all had good, hustling banner men in those days.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, off topic. Shannon- I'm only getting about 2/3 of the photos and text in the center column; is there a simple way to correct this?

Anonymous said...

If Pat is reading again - did D.R. work liberty some in the early 80's. I have photos from a far, white had, D.R.'s build, Bobby Gibbs outside the ring. Or was there someone else on the show then 83' with same build?

Anonymous said...

Carl: Though Mr. Miller frequented the horse barn in winter quarters, I don't recall him working in the ring at any point during the '80's. It was most likely Okie Carr filling in for someone. But it's possible Mr. Miller may have done the same. I did 5000 shows on C&B- I wish I could remember every one, but some have become a little blurry!

Anonymous said...

To answer Carl's question.
In 1982 Carson and Barnes' spec theme was cowboys and indians. After spec they had 5 rings of liberty acts. That is a year that Bobby was on the show and I remember that DR worked an act. I can't say that he worked it every day all season long since I was only on the show for the summer but I do remember him working an act. I will continue to look for my photos from that summer and maybe I'll find one.
Maria Vonderheid

Anonymous said...

My father trained the first four horses in qtrs. in 44. I remember the two white horses, Sparkle and Snowball. Can't think of the palominoes names off hand. Both white horses did menage as well and Sparkle did a nice hind leg walk. Both were Albinos. The menage riders were, My dad on the black stallion "Lucky Boy", Betty Sweet, Inez Sweet, My sister Jean, Isla Miller, Evalena Rossi, Oklahoma Shorty, Myself. They had bought the Christy black and white spotted liberty act that had a number of menage horses as well. Again bear in mind that Dory was in the army.I would assume this photo would be on late 40s or early 50s. Note the tiny high weed ring curb.

Anonymous said...

From his days as "Don Steel",wire walker Dory kind of liked being a "kinker". In 48 I sold banners for and with Buck Reger and recall a put together Teeterboard act with Dory, cowboy Leon Snyder, A little mexican acrobat and one or two girls to style the act. Maybe Isla was one or Frankie Lou. I remember they laughed and seemed to have alot of fun doing it. I remember a somersault to a chair.

Anonymous said...

A friend who I will keep nameless commented that you could always tell when the liberty acts were about to appear as the prop guys would be busy stringing ropes from quarter pole to quarter pole.

Anonymous said...

While on the show for awhile in 48 Dory had a Buick Convertible and asked me drive it on the jumps. He also had one of those fancy built in low boy semi trailers for he and Isla. Boy, in those beautiful mornings with the top down going across South Dakota I felt pretty fancy.