Monday, April 16, 2007

RBBB 1966

This is what the show looked like the year before it was sold to the Feld brothers and Roy Hofheinz as compared to the way it appears today. Nuf Ced.
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Anonymous said...

For historical accuracy: The Feld press machine clamored that the RBBB show was tired and dated when they acquired it and it was the Felds that restored it to it's former glory. It looks pretty good to me in this photo.

I must say, as much as I doubted the Feld, Feld and Hofheinz purchase of the GSOE, the IRVIN FELD era is probably my favorite. I was very doubtful that two units could be toured at the same time under the same title. The confusion of National Publicity regarding GG Williams on the red and then the blue rolling into town and everyone asking, "Where's Gunther?" a constant situation.

Buckles said...

I remember hearing a story that when JRN heard that Feld was framing a second unit he said, "Hell, we couldn't make any money with one!"

Anonymous said...

The year 1966. Does anyone remember the name of this spec? Dom are you out there?

Anonymous said...

Hi J.G. Yes I am here. The name of the 1966 spec was "Prince Charming".
I remember it well as the circus opened April 4, 1966 and I was to ship out to navy boot camp on the 5th. Guess where I was the evening of the 4th?
This spec was very colorful and the costumes were beautiful. Not too many floats (mostly in the rings). If I remember correctly, they had beautiful elephant blankets when the Maharajah and his court came to see the prince (howdahs and all).
Dom Yodice

Anonymous said...

Mr. Yodice,

What year did they present "The Wizard of Oz" spec? I remember Prince Paul as the wizard being hoisted aloft in the balloon. I know it was the 60's, but too busy to go to the basement to shuffle through programs.

Also, the hands-down BEST INDIVIDUAL spec wardrobe ever was in the 100th Anniversary that showcased Otto in the silver tattered wardrobe. I remember thinking "Whoever it was that came up with that idea is a genius!" It had to be Don Foote, does anyone have other info?

Anonymous said...

I'm sure the little elephant was John, as he came on the show in '66'. Also the same year that Robert'Sunny' Ridley started with the Blue show elephants.

Anonymous said...

Barney, The Wizard of Oz spec was presented in 1965.
They used several very nice effects for this spec as I recall.
Two of the floats were lighted rising(telescoping) castles that were placed in the two end rings.
They also had another float that depicted the house that dropped on the wicked witch. This eventually went into the center ring. The wizard arrived on a throne float pulled by two llamas (or guanacos).
I'll see what I have on the 100th show.
Dom Yodice
The rainbow was depicted by a beautiful elephant blanket with a showgirl riding on top. It had a train about 20 feet long covered in row upon row of ostrich feathers depicted the rings of the rainbow. Very effective. A very nice spec as I recall.
Dom Yodice