Tuesday, March 06, 2007
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3/06/2007 06:30:00 AM
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"SIDE SHOW WONDERS". Reading left to right - banner 1. Snake Enchantress, 2. can't make it out., 3. Electric Lady and 4. Tatooed Wonder.
Alfred T.Ringling manor in
Morris County, New Jersey was the R. T. Richards Circus Winter Headquarters consisting of 180 acres, 5 buildings, 1 structure)
The second banner is for a clay modeler, a scarce side show act. About 1964 the Beatty-Cole side show had an old Pueblo Indian, Felix Netzauhalt (I am sure I spelled the last name incorrectly), doing this act. It was quite remarkable, indeed enchanting, as he rapidly sculpted one form into another with just a few twists of the clay. I had a conversation with him and learned he had heard the strange noise of a calliope near his reservation that resulted in his joining the Campbell Bros. show about 1910. He toured around the world, picking up several languages. He was a member of the Greater Tampa Showmen's Association and more often played carnival side shows in later life. I still have a fine charcoal drawing he gave me of one of the Beatty show elephants. If anyone can add to this brief note, I would hope they might write in as his was a remarkable act!
Dick Flint
I think that the banner line said Feliz at least that's what I remember the talker said.
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