Saturday, March 10, 2007

Marko the Chimp

"Mr. Marko" flanked by Ruth Henderson Swank and Lou Henderson.
As we all know, they are Peggy MacDonald's sister and father.
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Anonymous said...

Lew Henderson a true gent. I remember Marco 1,2,3.doing the same act over the years, rola bola and catching hoops one of his many feats.My famliy worked with Lew Henderson on Howard Sueze, Clyde Bros in the late 50s,along with Tony and Marie Redolla Tony Smaha Sr,doing Zorro on a black horse, Eddy Akins also Frenchers the organist along with Billy Barton Mom and Pop/Jack Harrison (Peggy Zoppe Parents). As I mentioned in the past, that was my debut as my dad would say, the Blunder Boy or Wonder Boy from Denmark, doing the saucer bit on a high table that Mr.Herriot so kindly refered to a while ago, some fine memories. The Hendersons wintered at at my dads place a couple of times in the 60s.