I think I need a circus history explanation from one of you historians of fact out there.I have been led to believe that Terrel Jacobs was on H-W in 1938 and in fact in the listing of circuses and trainers in the great book Wild Animal Trainers In America the cross section does place Jacobs on H-W in 38, but also places him on RBBB in 38. hOW COULD HE BE IN TWO PLACES AT THE SAME TIME?I have seen photos of cage wagons of lettering Terrel Jacobs on H-W cages. Now if Beatty was with H-W all those years thru 34 and Jacobs was with Barnes-Floto until Ringling 37 thru 39 and H-W last season was 38 please someone explain to me when Jacobs was with H-W.After the big one closed in Scranton in 38 did Jacobs go to Sarasota and did he then become part of the Ringling people that joined Barnes-Floto in Redfield, S.D. or did he go to H-W and then return to Ringling in 39? In other words am I wrong in assuming that he was with H-W at all and especially 38. Someone please clear up my confusion. Thanks, I will be waiting.
John Herriott.
Terrell Jacobs was with Hagenbeck-Wallace in 1937 but 1938 was the year they had Blacaman's unusual cat and alligator acts and Jacobs went to RBBB.
For various reasons, neither Hagenbeck-Wallace, Cole Bros nor Ringling-Barnum made the season and Jacobs was among the handful of acts sent to join Barnes-Sells-Floto.
I've always thought it interesting that the RBBB acts joined Barnes-Sells-Floto at Redfield and that Cole act joined Robbins Bros in Bluefield.
And yes, TJ was on RBBB in 1939.
This has nothing to do with the TJ picture. I just received the current issue of LCW and think that some of your readers would like to know who some of the people are in two of the pictures. On page 19, top picture, Mr. Fisher is behind the grill.
That year I spent my vacation playing in the Beatty-Cole band thru Indiana. Fisher had the #1 stand on the Ringling show in the early 50's and then went to B-C. One night the people were passing by the concessions by the drove and Fisher got a hot dog and piled it high with fried onions and walked thru the comein passing it under their noses to try to generate some business, Needless to say it didn't work. The lot was a local horse show grounds and I ended up with a bad case of bronchitis. The second picture is on page 21 and is one of the few pictures of William "Boom-boom Browning that I have ever seen. No cigar and no drum set.
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