Saturday, March 24, 2007

From Paul Gutheil #1

I gather from what Diane told me this morning that Daniel Raffo is coming back to RBBB-Blue.With that in mind I send the attached to you and I believe it was HenryEdgar who asked about photos of Mr. Raffo.These are a couple of photos that I TOOK of him while on the Blue Show. They appeared,uncredited, in an article in the December 2001edition of "Le Monde du Cirque". One is a cropped version of the two pagespread , the other, oval picture, was in the same two page spread. There was one other photo of mine of him doing thebull act, also uncredited. You know I never ask for anything for the photos I give to all you wonderful showfolks and actually my greatest reward is when somebody comes up to me and says, "You know those photos yougave me from the last time I was onthe XYZ show, well I sent some to so & so and they helped to get me booked on the show." The other thing I've heard over the years is," You know I wouldn't have any photos of my kids growingup if it weren't for you. I'm sure other fans hear the same thing. I can't tell you how good that makes me feel, but I'm just vain enough to want to see my name in printwhen something I did is published. Thank you for allowing me to purge myself of some of my "grievances"; I do believe I feel better now. While flipping through "Le Monde du Cirque" I came across a photo by Theo Krath in the bottom right hand corner of page 4 that I thought you and Barbara might be interested in. Diane will be scanning it in shortly. Will end for now wishing all of you and all your readers....All the best both circuswise & otherwise, Paul Gutheil
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