These cats were trained in 04 on Culpepper following the loss of the elephants Barbara and Connie. Saddly the 4 tigers and 2 lions received a live canine distemper vacine from a "vet" then contracted distemper from it. Sad seeing that they would have never come into contact with it any other way.
Casey Cainan, he just blew Gopher and is now on Culpepper.
These cats were trained in 04 on Culpepper following the loss of the elephants Barbara and Connie. Saddly the 4 tigers and 2 lions received a live canine distemper vacine from a "vet" then contracted distemper from it. Sad seeing that they would have never come into contact with it any other way.
Does Culpepper Merriweather have elephants this season?
Mr. Marcan, may I ask where you found this photo?
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