My mentioning of Daniel Raffo's name earlier today was merely a coincidence. I was just looking for some one who might have pictures of Daniel Raffo with his tigers from his stint with Ringling Brothers. While he was with Ringling Brothers he received little publicity. There were no pictures or mention of Mr. Raffo in the 128th Edition Program. He also was not featured in the video program for that year.When you mentioned a new and bigger cage act being added to the Blue Unit next season, I was thinking along the lines of one of the Lacey Brothers, either Alex (lions & tigers) or Martin Jr.! (lions). Circus Pinder's Fredric Edelstein (lions & tigers) and Monte Carlo Circus Festival 2007 award winner, Tom Dieck Jr, (lions & tigers) were other names that were brought to mind. This is the extent of my knowledge of Daniel Raffo (please correct me if I am wrong in any of my information)...He is from Uruguay. In 1998 after the accident to Richard Chipperfield, Daniel Raffo presented the Ringling Tigers on the 128th Edition. He went uncredited in the circus' program. Mr. Raffo also assisted in presenting elephants for Ringling Brothers. After his tours with Ringling Brothers Mr. Raffo left for Europe. While in Europe his tiger act earned critical acclaim for its excellence. He has won awards from the Monte Carlo Circus Festival (2001) and Festival International Du Cirque De Massy (2004) for his tiger prese ntations. Mr. Raffo has performed with Circus Medrano and Circus Krone. He is currently appearing with Circus Barum, presenting a cage act with twelve Bengal and Siberian Tigers. If you can add anything I would be happy to have any additional information.I have attached two pictures of Daniel Raffo, so everyone can put a face with a name. In the first picture Mr. Raffo is being presented with an award at the 2004 Festival lnternational Du Cirque De Massy. The gentleman on the right, presenting the award, is Mstislav Zapashny, the Director General of the Russian Stage Circus Company, and a former wild animal trainer. The second picture is of Daniel Raffo and his tigers. I don't know where or when that picture is from.Would you know what the largest number of t! igers that were presented by Charly Baumann, by Gunther Gebel-Williams, or the number of lions by Wolfgang Holzmaier?
Does anyone know the age of this young man?
Wolfgang's max. lion number: I think 21?
Daniel Raffo was in 2003 in Cirque Arlette Gruss, 2004 in Circus Knie and in 2005 in circus herman Renz. He was also at the circusfestival of massy in 2000 but then he wons nothing and in 2004 he wons gold. In 2001 he wons a special award at the Monte-Carlo circusfestival.
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