Friday, March 23, 2007

Andrew Downie Railroad Circuses #6

Walter L. Main Circus in 1922 with the elephants kicking around in a shallow lake near the lot.
Interesting shot of what appears to be the baggage horse tents in the background.
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Anonymous said...

Reminds me of playing Myrtle Beach with Carswon and Barnes, where there was a nice pond adjacent to the lot. Needless to say Joe took the elephaqnts into the pond where they had a good time. Someone video-taped the swim and on reviewing the tape, there was an alligator in the pond too. That ended anymore time for the elephants to have fun in that pond.

GaryHill said...

Capt, didn't we take the herd to the beach in Venice? I know I legged up alot of the show horses on the beach.