Saturday, February 24, 2007

"Sheba's" Funeral #4

There was no identity given for the other three men serving as pallbearers. Perhaps other historians may know. These photos came to me from the Bruce Royal Collection, and are credited to George Hubler.
Roger Smith
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Anonymous said...

Only real animal trainers and presenters can relate to how sad this is. Loseing your animals takes a piece of your heart every time. Some animals just take bigger pieces then others.

Anonymous said...

From what I've heard about Terrell Jacobs, and read about him, his holding this special funeral for Sheba is the true picture of his devotion and respect for a magnificent animal.

Anonymous said...

Any person reading this blog who has lost a dear pet knows how tough it is. We may have taught our animal some obedience commands, but we cannot truly understand the loss an animal person feels as the Dutchess states! Their dedication to their animals through constantly living with them, attending to the special needs, and working with them, cannot be understood by us, nor their true heart-felt lose from their constant interaction. You truly are special people, and do know that many of us care deaply about what you contribute to your animals and to our lives.
