Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Giraffe Neck Lady #1

To finish out the set I added these two odd pictures that come with no information.
This young lady would be a member of the group exhibited by the Ringling Show in the 1930's. If memory serves me correctly, Mr. Gumpertz also included a few with Hagenbeck-Wallace.
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Anonymous said...

The more rings a woman had, the more desirable she was, and held in the highest esteem. I recall reading that the rings could never be removed during the woman's lifetime, since the neck muscles were completely atrophied, and could no longer support her head. Thereby, as a punishment, if the husband was displeased with her for any reason he would simply order her rings removed- causing certain death.

I wonder what happened to these women after they finished with Ringling? Were they returned to Burma?

Anonymous said...

A lesson I learned later in life, NEVER give the rings back!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Pat: Yes I believe they went back to Burma. There was this neat article in the National Geographic for June 1979 about some of this tribe (the Padaungs) and how this procedure didn't actually stretch the neck but pushed the chest downward. Very interesting.

Rebecca: You comment reminds me of a billboard I saw one Christmas that a Jewelry store had put up. It said, "Wise men bring gold."

Anonymous said...

Rebecca: your comment reminds me of something Zsa Zsa Gabor said. "Oh yes Dahling, I'm a vonderful housekeeper. Every time I get divorced, I keep za house!"

Ol' Whitey: Thanks for the info. Boy, talk about culture shock. I wonder if they brought a translator when they came here?

Anonymous said...

Hey Pat, The Gabors are my fathers third cusins.

Anonymous said...

Really? I wonder what Zsa Zsa thinks of her husband claiming to be a candidate for Anna Nicole's baby. Maybe she'll have ANOTHER house to add to the list... !

Anonymous said...

I am betting on the child belonging to her dead husband. That would sure teach those who have been so mean to Nicole. I have rooted for her the whole time. One big side show. animal rights goofs, lawyers, reporters, My Shit List, as JG calls it is getting longer.