Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Circus Oddities #4

Giant Manta.
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Anonymous said...

If they took it on the road, it must have been a gaff. Can't imagine that an actual mount of a giant mantra would survive the daily grind. Used to be at least that diving with mantas was quite popular in Mexico, no doubt like porpoise encounters it's now officially discouraged by groups demanding that rays be treated like rays.

Anonymous said...

do giant rays like this still exist in the wild ?
Or in aquariums ?

GaryHill said...

Something smells fishy?

B.E.Trumble said...

They can still be found here in the Pacific in the warmer waters off Mexico. I've heard they're very docile. There's never been a really big ray here in Monterey at the Aquarium. It's probably like the white sharks they've displayed, doesn't take too long out grow the biggest tanks