Thursday, February 08, 2007

An afterthought!

Especially for all you Baraboobians.
Parade Marshall, Merrett Belew poses before the America Wagon.
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Bob Cline said...

Many Moons ago, Buckles ran a photo of the original America that was from this centerline of the wagon down. Now the upper section has been added as shown in 1925. When was the calliope unit installed?

Anonymous said...

The "America," "Asia," "Europe," and "Africa" wagons originally had large allegorical statue groups mounted atop and served as heavy floats in the 1903 Barnum & Bailey parade. Over the years the wagons scattered, some surviving and some not. This particular wagon was not made into a Steam Calliope wagon until after the devastating February 1940 fire in the Rochester, Indiana, winter quarters of Cole Bros destroyed the former Steam Calliope wagon .

Bob Cline said...

Thanks Dave!