Friday, January 05, 2007

More K&N Pictures #4

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Anonymous said...

You would think the elephants would have much better head pieces. There is no shine or glitter on any wardrobe. What happened to bead work/jewels/feathers? Satan spandex just does not cut circus wardrobe. Just looking at these pictures should give the powers that be a clue how awfully dull their idea of a circus is. The inflatables should be kept on a childs playground.

GaryHill said...


Anonymous said...

The show uses a whole black and white theme for wardrobe and props, but this could look very nice with great lighting effects, but without the lighting it just looks bland.

Anonymous said...

Darryl, Black and white is OK for a WAKE or School Graduation or those artsy non circuses with out animals. BUT the is supposed to be the top of the line for the real circus world. COLOR, COLOR, COLOR till it blinds you with the brillance.and glitter.