Friday, January 05, 2007

More K&N Pictures #2

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Anonymous said...

This photo reminds me of a trick that was in Charley Baumann's act. Each of the posts would light up as the tiger stepped on it.

GaryHill said...

Is that a round cage in a square????

Anonymous said...

Yes, a round cage in a square diamond. The posts did light up, and quite nicely too. The new L.E.D. (Light Emitting Diodes)technology has brought about a new era in theatrical & circus lighting.

24-HOUR-MAN said...

Well, let me see, where are we now, first the new "enclosures", were going to be "diamonds", then the guy in the press release said, "rectangles". Now we're putting "round" cages, in "squares", that then become "square-diamonds"! GOOD GRIEF!!!! NO WONDER I FLUNKED GEOMETRY????

Anonymous said...

If memory serves at nearly 50 years of age, Alfred Court may not have been the first, but was among those who had lights come up at every footstep of the animal on the prop. As has been observed previously in this site, it has all been seen before.

Anonymous said...

24 hour man you are not the one who "FLUNKED UP" here. Its a wonder "BELLO" doesn't blow the show after this humiliation..