Wednesday, January 03, 2007

From Jimmy Cole


Just a last-minute reminder about the OABA-sponsored roundtable discussion concerning animals in entertainment on Wednesday, January 3, 2007 from 1 pm - 5 pm at Kay Rosaire's Big Cat Habitat in Sarasota. The meeting is open to both OABA members and non-members. If you are in the Florida Sun Coast area, please drop by and join in the discussion.

(Why are most of them hiding behind their signs?) Buckles Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

This photo was taken in Marshall Michigan on Carson & Barnes.

The Circus Fans Association of America is presently drafting a new policy that would encourage it's members to ignore these PeTA protesters, and avoid verbal confrontations with them. Such verbal encounters could easily escalate into an incident that can bring the press and the police to the circus lot. This may discourage the local sponsor from again having a circus in their community, Wouldn't PeTA just love that!

However, it is such a temptation (as seen in this picture) to simply ask them "Excuse me, but where do I buy CIRCUS TICKETS at?"

Anonymous said...

At least some of these protestors are paid

Anonymous said...

From Eric:

The people shown holding the signs are just the pawns. The people to REALLY be concerned about are the ones at the top of the organization who prey on the ignorance of animal lovers to rake in big bucks which they then funnel it to liberal politicians who craft the idiotic bills like the one we saw in California. It might make the circus fans feel good to write to their elected officials to make their “presence” known, but what they should really be doing is making their “presents” known in the form of campaign contributions, and actively working to defeat candidates from the political party that gets the majority of PETA’s financial support. Once elected, these candidates have the obligation (and will be in a position) to help out the people who financed them to power. At the Presidential level, there is the appointment-for-life of liberal Federal judges who have the power to overturn election results and mandate all kinds of asinine rulings. The ultimate battle for the so-called “animal rights” question will be fought in the political arena, not at the show grounds.

Anonymous said...

Are you kidding? They are ALL paid temps! The only thing PETA is good for is raising money...they have to spend it somewhere, because they don't provide support to any animal organizations! However the media does not recognize that there are "6" people protesting OUTSIDE and "12,000" paid patrons enjoying the show INSIDE! Gees that p*sses me off!!! The animals always came first - whether I was working for Dave Hoover, Buckles Woodcock, even Robert Baudy...the animals ate before we ate, got water before we got water, had immediate medical care, and in some cases had MUCH better sleeping quarters than WE had! Unfortunately, you can't raise alot of money with the TRUTH!
-Cindy Potter

Anonymous said...

Animal protesters have 3 advantages. First, organizationally, they can coordinate nationally while circuses remain unconnected outfits, and locals can agitate at home while a circus moves on. The second advantage is emotional. As modern life moves away from using animals in functional ways (food, work, livelihood), Americans are getting more sentimental about them so it’s increasingly easy for protesters to convince people that any animal treatment other than hugging is cruelty. Third, calling it “animal rights,” they frame the issue in their favor, suggesting they’re for animals and “rights,” so we must be against them.

Does it seem a good idea to hand them another advantage by blaming “the liberals”? Half the country votes Democratic so why push away half our potential supporters?

Anonymous said...

I hope everyone got a copy of the peta artical from the Colorado news paper. A couple of us sent them out. Very informative about the way peta operates.

Anonymous said...

I'm David Carlyon and I didn't mean to be anonymous when I wrote about the 3 advantages the animals protesters have and my concern that blaming "the liberals" will hurt rather than help circus in this struggle. Sorry but I clicked the wrong button.

Anonymous said...

david's comment about the "liberals" is absolutely true. "liberal" Bobby Scott (D-Va) is the one who killed the proposal
for congress to ban elephant acts several years ago despite the gandstanding by kim basinger and bob barker and again Bobby killed the more recent thing about protecting animal terrorists. that's more than any "conservative" member of congress has done for us. i'm proud of the fact that i live in "liberal" bobby's district (and make sure he knows how at least one of his constituents feels) and I will vote for him every time he runs.