Tuesday, December 26, 2006

From Jimmy Cole

Here I sound like I'm contadicting my own comment on that great photo of Pablo Noel, who was a spectacular performer to say the least.

Picture-wise, the Noel photo is much better, the lower angle of the camera, the lighting and the better color quality all help to make this great trick look even better. But here is Josip Marcan doing exactly the same thing on Beatty-Cole in 1986. Notice the visible fang. Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

Marvelous Josip. I thought Pablo was the one and only to do it in that manner and you sure took that out of the historical archives. I salute you in all due respect.

Anonymous said...

Jim or Josip, which lion was this?

Anonymous said...

Darryl, The lion's name was "Zorba" He was about 6 years old there