Saturday, December 16, 2006

Bullen's Circus #3

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Anonymous said...

looks like muckout was a breeze!

24-HOUR-MAN said...

That's FUNNY!!!!

Anonymous said...

If the trucks went fast enough {without the animals loaded} it would be an automatic washer.

Anonymous said...

My dad travelled stuff like that all his life. We only stopped in the 80's doing it. Trucks just getting to fast, getting a bit scary for the animals. Travelled Charly Baumans tigers (Ringlings) with us like that in 1979. 6 elephants, 6 camels, 13 horses and 14 tigers.

GaryHill said...

I still kick myself in the butt for not going with Charlie!

Anonymous said...

I am totally confused about Baumann going to Australia. Would someone please enlighten me? I wasw with him in Japan. He was a Perf. Directot, no tigers.

Anonymous said...

Craig lets not forget Brian Fosset with his chimps . we travel from Perth all the way across the nalaboo desert to close in Adelaide . then we sail to japan my ex wife and i took some wild camels with us belonging to the bullen family the chimps came back to the US . once we were in japan we had the misfurtune of having the tent blow down . Clean Raul ps greetings to the bullen family