Monday, November 27, 2006

Wade Burck #1

Unfortunately Mr. Burck was injured last week while working his new Tiger Act at the Evansville Shrine Circus, requiring numerous stiches in his forearm and leg and a night in the Hospital.
But being the trouper that he is, missed only two performances and finished out the engagement with the act working flawlessly. Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

Wishing Wade Burck a full and rapid recovery from his accident.

Anonymous said...

Peter, thanks for your eyewitness report. Usually we learn of such an incident third hand and the story has changed several times.

Wade, glad to hear thay you are OK and nothing too serious happened.

Anonymous said...

Regarding Wades accident...Gunther-Gebel in his speech to us on October 19, 1991- Emmett Kelly Tent Banquet - Hagerstown, MD. Said, " on Broadway you only have one opening, in the circus you have an opening in very town." With different backyards, dressing rooms, different portals, limit and so on...Meaning anything can happen...Maybe John Herriott could comment on the various building adjustments during his RBBB days as performance director.........

Anonymous said...

With Ringling the set up in each town is that the arena is exactly the same. The rubber, the rings [used to be] and rigging all the same with some minor changes, but the back door or assembly area are the challenge for a performance director. That is where you have to do your homework and plan a strategy. Every moment of a circus performance is a crises and sometime the impossible takes a couple extra minutes. I always remember the words of the great Jack Joyce. Every performance we do should be like Opening Night In Madison Sqare Garden. It6s not quite like playing a bu8ilding and then jumping to a ballpark and then a tent somewhere and back to a rodeo ground with 3 to 5 hundred over night.Someone, who I will leave anonymous said, "If you ain't with Ringling you're just camping out". Used to be like that.