Friday, November 24, 2006

Johnny J. Jones Exposition #1

Today's pictures are a change of pace. No dates on these first two but the automobile looks to be early 1940's vintage. I'm sure Jim Elliott can fill in the blanks. Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

Hudson? Seats fell back to make a bed?

Anonymous said...

Buckles, Great old carnival photos. Please tell the hamburg story!

Anonymous said...

Isn't this the show that wintered in DeLand, FL for a while, same property that Beatty-Cole....errr, Cole Bros. uses?

Anonymous said...

This auto looks to be a Pontiac. Not sure thou.
The final season for J.J.J. Show, was 1950. In 1951, the equipment from the Jones Show was sold to Bob(Diggers)Parker and Sam Solomon, they inturn, sold the equipment off piecemeal.
Most of the flatcars, were purchased by, Al Wagner, for his Cavalcade of Amusements carnival.
In 1954, after the untimely death of Al Wagner(he was shot to death, in Prichard, Ala., by his sign painter, W.O. Burke, for non-payment of wages earned) 5 flatcars were returned to E. Lawerance Phillips, former owner of J.J.J. by the federal government in the settling of the Cavalcade affairs.

Anonymous said...

I just looked thru my notes, and, Al Wagner was shot in Pensacola, Fla. the first, and only spot, played by the Cavalcade in 1954. The shooting took place on April 11, 1954.
Sorry for the mistake.

Anonymous said...

Show owners beware!!

Non payment of sub-contractors may be hazardous to your health.

24-HOUR-MAN said...

Say! There are a couple Circus Producers who owe me money, do you suppose?,,,,,,,,,,,Naaaaah!!!!

Anonymous said...

The one depmnt in the circus that did alot of interchanging with carnivals in the rail days was the train crews. I believe Ray Milton, Mac Mcgraf, Two Gun Whitey all did both as trainmasters and brought guys with them. I recall sitting in the cookhouse hearing jackpots from old show guys about, Royal, The Jones show, Izzy cetlin, Strates, etc.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Crown Victoria Ford?

Anonymous said...

Not being the best car buff, I'm inclined to agree with Jim Elliott. My aunt had an old Hudson Hornet, the ugliest car ever put on tires. But it was in that car that I was taken to my epiphany--when I saw Mr. Beatty the first time, in Tyler, Texas, in 1947.

24-HOUR-MAN said...

That old Hudson might have been ugly, but you couldn't roll one over if you tried. I saw them use one for ramp rollovers on a thrill show and they couldn't get it futher than on it's side!!!!

Anonymous said...

Best car to take to the Drive-in movies!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

sory guys but the car is definitely NOT a Hudson Hornet.this car is a 2 door ,I believe Hudson Hornet only came in 4 door,that I know ofr ,pretty sure
it does look lik a Pontiac,notice the narrow wheelbase and the length of the hood,there was also a Buick of the same vintage with a similar profile

24-HOUR-MAN said...

Wasn't this body style referred to as a "Streamline"

My next door neighbor loaned me his Hudson to go on a date once, and as he closed the door he said,"you knowh how to put the seat down don't you"?

Take a good look at the back of a Chrysler, Crossfire, if it was a four door it would look like the old Nash!

Bob Cline said...

I hope this link gets you in the right direction. This is a great website full of old Carnival and circus slideshows to enjoy.> rrshow1


24-HOUR-MAN said...

It can't be a Pontiac, it doesn't have the chrome strip down the middle!