Saturday, November 25, 2006

The Herriott Family Society Circus

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Anonymous said...

What a beautiful show. Hope John will tell us the history and something about it.

Anonymous said...

Interestingly, as far as I can tell this year it was the small "society" sized tent shows that seemed to bring home the money this year. There's much to be said for a small nut, and smaller trucks or light plants that don't cost a fortune feed. A lot has changed over the years, and whereas once a small show had to stay out of the way off the routes of the larger operations, in part to avoid comparison, today's audience seems to be happy to get real circus at an affordable price, even if it comes in a smaller package. Some of the little shows that play mostly with sidewalls only, like Osario have really been fun in recent years because it's circus the way I remember it.