Monday, November 27, 2006

Henry Schroer

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Anonymous said...

Is anyone presenting this type of act now days?

Anonymous said...

Henry was not Gunther.

Anonymous said...

from Eric:

When this act was presented by Henry, Bill Pruyn used "Marche Indienne" by Sellenick. It proved to be most effective for this type of act and is probably what Merle Evans would have played for it back in 1969, had he been allowed to do so.

Anonymous said...

in the mid 70's Gunther presented this number
Henry ,as Gunther's # 1 assistant filled in when necessary
John Herriot might be able to shed some light on the history of this number

Anonymous said...

I was not with the show the first year of this mixed act, but did see it on its debut in Venice and I was amazed and thought it was psitively sensational and told Gunther just that. I would be with it the following year and for that season only Gunther presented the act. Never Henry. However pictures don't lie and during some other time Henry must have worked it. During that year in an act of leg pulling for the first couple of towns on tear down night, Gunther came to me and said that one of the tigers in the act was sick and the act couldn't work and then Henry came to me and said one of the horses was lame and the act couldn't work, so before the next time I got them both together, after realizing that they wanted to get the three houdis loaded early in the wagon on teardown, and said " Hey, you guys should get your act together. Is the tiger sick or the horse lame ? You know that act is an important part of the show." Gunther laughed, grabbed my arm and said, " OK John it will be in every show ", as Henry sulked away. Incidentally in true Gunther fashion the act worked perfect every show with no stalls and the immediate reaction by the animals to Gunther's ques.