Thursday, November 16, 2006

From Jack Crosthwait

(I have been asked to submit some photos from the Blog for the upcoming Showfolks Circus Program and in particular the recent one of Jenda and Rena Smaha with Bob Hope. Also included will be this tribute from Jack Crosthwait.)

"The end of an era. An incredible showman, trooper, performer and friend. Oh, the memories. In the mid eighties while at a Tailhook Convention in Las Vegas, Pat Nelson, John Tucker and I would accompany Jenda and Tanya from his Las Vegas home to the Hilton in his big truck. Jenda was appearing there with Suzanne Sommers. Tanya would bound out of the truck onto the back loading dock and head, unaccompanied, to the stage, to receive her nightly loaf of bread from the lighting crew. Upon devouring it, Tanya would cross the stage to the greetings of the showgirls, which she greatfully acknowledged and then back herself into a small elevator to go one floor down to her, "Dressing Room". There, she awaited the cue for her first appearance on stage. I have never been so close to an elephant as we were, all pressed together, those nights.
We'll miss you, friend. God Bless you and Rena."
Jack Crosthwait, Huntington Beach, CA