Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Cole Bros. Circus unloading the train 1945 #3

August the 14th and the train arrives as advertised. Wagons #88 and # 87 have big top canvas (notice the boom on the top of #87) and # 90 has big top rigging. Those things hanging off the side of # 90 are "lead bars" (double trees) that will be attached behind a team of harness elephants. Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

That was the year of the bad train wreck around Brainard, Minn. My mother and I had left the show the day before. I have pictures somewhere that my Dad sent home. I think they blew about four days and also that Ringling sent a couple flats that were stored in Peru. Seems like show guys looked out for each other. Even competitors.

Anonymous said...

I well remember the beautiful private car at the end of the train was painted white and along both sides of the car in huge letters were the words ESTRELLA. very artfully done. My dad told me that they only people accomadated in that car were Mr. and Mrs. Terrel and in a small stateroom was Boss canvasman Cap Curtiss. Mrs. Terrel's first name was Estrella.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone have a photo of the Terrel private car mentioned here?