Friday, October 06, 2006

Ken & Nicole Red Unit

This just in from KLSDAD who saw the Ken & Nicole Show in Grand Rapids on Sept. 30. He said he enjoyed the show thoroughly, especially after having seen the other unit earlier in the Garden.
There are obviously some good acts on the show, Bello Nock is probably the most famous circus personality in America but this picture tells another story, I only count around 20 performers styling, not enough people for a good fist fight.
He added that the thing his two nephews enjoyed the most , ages 7 and 11, was when they tossed beach balls ino the audience. What can I say?


Anonymous said...

Don't they have enough girls to ride the elephants in the long mount? That was part of the beauty of the long mount. Hated to do it myself.

Anonymous said...

It's gorgeous when a stretch of audience understands and keeps the 3ft. balls moving upward, alas!

A clown sent me 2 easy bounces, but a massive woman one row back slammed down to take the head off anyone in the ball's path. The horrified clown moved on fast.

Adults in steep stands need to stay in their seats, not sloshing drinks and toppling forward onto the shoulders of rows ahead.

Red show seems to hope for talent in the crowd, but it's tough luck the 99 days when audience goofs dilute memories of the best acts.

Nippledad said...

Oh.. then, Rebecca, you did at least appreciate my photo???

And.. there WERE beautiful, and beautifully costumed ladies in pink sequined gowns on elephants in the brilliant elephant dislay. (It is the one where they give the fantastic build-up..and (I thought it was orginally King Tusk) appeared as the silk drapings fell from the ceiling around..and the magic began!! It had a Thai/Indian feeling.

Have you seen it??

Hope so...

Buckels has the slide/video.


Nippledad said...

Only for clarification, Mr. Woodcock.. We're only looking at 2 rings.. and I believe there were equally spaced performers around the arena. It was exhilarating!!
Wish I could have had you all there as my guest!!

Anonymous said...

OK You ask for my opinion. The animals were beautiful. Its hard to screw them up as long as you have them in the ring. The crowd in the rings and on the curbs, look like a bunch of lost souls. No rhyme or reason for them to be there. I saw no theme, no glitter, no pagentry, Very, very dull. I see better wardrobe at the mall after school is out. If you had left the humans out of the picture it was beautiful. Where is Mr Fossie when he is so much needed on the Ken and Nicol Shows. No hard feelings. You have to work with what they give you. It kind of turned my stomach.

Anonymous said...

Know we know where Kenny lost his balls.

Nippledad said...

For the record..
This is my email to Mr. Woodcock about attending the Grand Rapids RBBB show.
"Hello... Mr. Woodcock!!

Well.. I had the unexpected
pleasure of being taken to the
RBBB Circus last Sat. morning (Sep 30)
for a 11:30 performance in Grand
Rapids, Michigan.

WOW.. With Bello, Sacha and
Karin Houcke, TABAR (tigers), Valentina &
the SKY SURFERS, The Mongolian Pole
Walkers, Luciano Anastasini (dog/pony),
Windy City Acrobats, Brian & Tina Miser
(cannon), Aguilar Brothers (wire), Andre
McClain/Tyron McFarlan (Ringmaster/
Assistant) and clowns (with the
"PIZZA routine)!!..And of course.. the GREAT
Ringling? herd of 10 (or are there 3 herds
of 1)... (count 'em in my
panoramic shot.) - I WAS THRILLED!!!!

And.. of course.. with the incomparable presentation
waving beautifully above the stalwart elephant
in the magnificent red-white-and blue spangled blanket,
topped by the impeccable lady in matching gown!!
(Give me a moment...!!)

I'm sure I saw this unit two years ago in the Garden
but believe it has changed quite a bit.

I noticed in the program a Patrick Harned with young
elephants Asha and Rudy. They did not perform.

I was especially thrilled to see this I saw the
Blue Unit opening night at the Garden this year.. and
(as mentioned) very disappointed!! I told the family I
was with that they may have been very luck to see the

Regards.. to all. Love to read and see all your great
memories on Buckles blog every day.

(As a side note.. my two nephews ..ages 11 and 7
seemed most impressed by the big balls being tossed around
the audience. I loved EVERY MINUTE!)

He then added a comment that there were so few performers showing in the photo.. and I mentioned that the photo only showed two rings.. and that there were certainly performers all around the arena.

He then presented my video of slides as my rebuke to his scoff. I certainly didn't mean it that way!! (I had sent the slides for his own enjoyment..not as an attack.)

Far as Rebecca's comments about "turning her stomach", that's just the attitude we need!! (NOT)
(Had she seen the show??)

Most sincerely,


Most sincerly,


Anonymous said...

Had the pleasure of meeting klsdad recently.

i'm not going to knock the Red Unit, now in its last weeks anyway. when I saw it a year ago there were certainly things that I enjoyed, but I had a hard time getting past 'Circus fit" and the canned audience questions. Bello is always fun, but the manic energy of his first seasons as Feld Entertainment's bankable star are missing now, perhaps in an effort to protect an enormous public relations investment. My older son brought home a DVD from Europe with a recent (2005) Krone performance. watching it last week I couldn't help but think that there wasn't a show in the States last year that could touch it.

Anonymous said...

I have seen THE SHOWS. I have not seen a real circus worthy of THE GREATEST SHOW on EARTH since visiting Buckles and his family in Denver CO. Give me a good MUD SHOW like KELLY MILLER. Those were REAL circus.