Saturday, October 07, 2006

Hall's Bears 1970


Anonymous said...

A very classy act. Beautyful wardrobe and props.

Anonymous said...

I've seen fine bear acts, but none classier than the Hall's. It was great to work with them two seasons on Castle, especially getting to know and learn from the Godmother of the Circus, their mother, Aurelia Hall.

Anonymous said...

The act is being worked by James and ......? Hall

Anonymous said...

I was honored to have been "knee-capped" on numerous occasions by Aurelia. I first met Jimmy in 1976, and he spent many summers teaching me "show biz". He told me to make sure I get paid what I am worth my first year with John Cuneo. I told him that was no problem, as John had rated me a "pro" in the contract. After reading the contract, Jimmy pointed out, as he has on many occasions, what an idiot I am. That's when I learned that "pro-rated" meant I only got paid when I worked, and had nothing to do with my abilities. I love him very much, and treasure our years of friendship. Wade Burck

Anonymous said...

I got an offer like this, too. $350 against $175. Four days constitute a week, three days a half-week. Most of the route was 3-day dates, with lots of open time--naturally meaning unpaid daily maintenance of animals and equipment, waiting long stretches for a half-week's pay. Nuts to that.

Anonymous said...

Roger, I may be wrong, but it sounds like Howard Suese, gave you my old contract!!!!! Wade Burck