Tuesday, September 19, 2006

The Original PETA


Larry allen Dean said...

if the Proffesional Elephant Trainer's Association were re-activated and a web site were built there would be another outfit that would lose a lot of hits,
Shaz ?

Anonymous said...

Awarded on the First of May, very appropriate.

TheShaz said...

Making a WEB SITE is easy.

Try this The Original PETA

Did this in 5 minutes flat.

Pat Cashin said...

If this PETA was established earlier than wouldn't they LEGALLY lay claim to the name?

Couldn't they SUE to stop the other PETA from using the name?

The World Wildlife Fund successfully sued and took the name "WWF" from the World Wrestling Federation.

Without the widely recognized brandname PETA the AR lobby would lose quite a bit of steam.

Anonymous said...

I love it i printed the picture and posted up in the staff area at my zoo everyone got a laugh out of it

Anonymous said...

one of the early court cases involving domain names centered on PETA and the people for the eating of tasty animals site

Pat Cashin said...

Whatever happened in the People Eating Tasty Animals case (I assume those people lost to the much better funded PETA AR group) this document PROVES that there WAS an earlier organization known as PETA.

Let's not let this slide!

If we can legally press this issue we MAY have the capability of making them change their name! At this point a change of name would be a major hit to their identity and their fundraising capabilities.

What would PETA do if they had to start all over again and re-establish their identity?

Their organization would be stretched so thin that they'd invariably screw up BIG time! Possibly just enough to reveal themselves for who and what they actually are!

I think that it's at LEAST worth exploring, no?


Anonymous said...

From Cashin's ??, I went looking for who shares initials and stumbled across www.activistcash.com. The Blackeyes section is amazing, but Feds are piling up convictions.

We forget that most people outside the entertainment industry have never heard of those creeps yet. Live performances demolish a lot of big lies, so keep showcasing marvels.