Thursday, September 28, 2006

John Herriott/ Ringling Circus World 1980


Anonymous said...

I believe that photo was taken in 1978. This was John Herriott's best white wardrobe, he only wore it on Sundays and Holidays. One particular show, one of the camels bite another camel on the nose, causing it to bleed. As camel do, he began shaking his head and thus spraying droplets of blood all over the Col.s white wardrobe. Thank goodness for Woolite! Jimmy Cole

Anonymous said...

I am a better person for working with Johnny Herriott. He taught me that people and animals are happier when being worked to their full and respectable potential. That formula has become handy throughout my life. When he came to Circus World the horse barn crew snapped to attention, the Liberty Act, (in about a week) had an amazing new look. It was the first time I saw them truly at liberty, and then they broke apart and started going in different directions. This may not sound like a big accomplishment for you circus folk, but for two years the big trick was for all the horses to put their front hoofs on the ring curb. And finally Mr. Herriott, who also was our Performance Director, focused his attention toward my new home, Clown Alley. I think that he said that he would like to pay us by the laugh, (a deal that I liked,) but then after rattling our cage he gave us the camera gag, an by giving this feathered act, he gave us the opportunity to strive for his level of excellence. If there is a circus left when I retire from my Disney gig, I am going to steel that camera gag, I only steel from the best.

Anonymous said...

The camera gag was not a feathered act except for Bruster the Roster “watch the birdie.” I meant to say featured act of course