Holland has sent it's best riders to this country, the Walter Guice Troup
Display No. 5 Now comes Paul Wenzel and his merry bunch of gloom dispellers, the laugh provoking clowns, whose merry antics make the world laugh and forget it's troubles.
Display No. 6 Ring 1- The fairest of fair equestriennes, in a maze of difficult feats upon the rounding back of a swift galloping steed. Miss Flora Bedini. Ring 3- Deserving holder of the title "Princess of Equestriennes" displays grace and beautious courage in equestrienne maneuvers , with the lightness and beauty of a fairy. Miss Florence Guice.
Display No. 7 Sixteen singing and swinging Fire Flies performing graceful movements in mid-air. (Swinging ladders).
Display No. 8 Ring 1- A group of highly educated Arabian Stallion ponies. Miss Oakley STEEL ARENA- A group of Black Maned African lions. LaVerne Hauser. Ring 3- Group of highly trained Shetland ponies. Miss Browder.
Display No. 9 Ring 1- A slap-stick presentation by the seemingly crazy group of comedy acrobats. The Spalding Trio. HIPPODROME TRACK- The dancing phenomenon of the silver thread, Miss Rosita Nelson. Ring 3- Burlesque comedy acrobats in a series of laughable antics. The Arnesens Duo.
Display No.8:LaVerne Hauser with lions? Who on earth is that? Here I thought I was pretty well versed on all those who had entered the "steel-bound arena" before me, and up pops a name that doesn't even ring a bell. Buckles, do you have any other information on this person, pictures, how many animals, etc.? Thank you.
John Herriot and I were discussing her the other day. He said that she came from a well to do family in California.
Hauser was her first husband's name who had been in the front office on several circuses.
At this point she was married to Walter McLain but I think they parted later while they were on the Barnes Show.
She is listed in the program as being a menages rider as well as a cowgirl in the Concert.
I would think her experience with exotic animals was confined to her McLain years.
Johnny seemed to think she returned to Hollywood and was successful in other fields.
Maybe if Dan Draper sees this he can set this matter straight.
There is a picture of Ms. Hauser in Mr. Fox's book, "A Pictorial History of Performing Horses." Here is the caption at the bottom of page 131, "In the 1930's Laverne Hauser had a pony troupe on the Hagenbeck-Wallace Circus. One is shown here in the back yard of the show sitting nicely for her." (Charles Phillip Fox, 1960?)
love the boots on the guy!!! What ever became of Lushana Loyal. Last I heard she was careing for her zillion grandkids in Hugo.
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