Tuesday, August 01, 2006

"Sahib" #1

A few more pictures of our friend "Sahib" from Wayne Jackson.


Anonymous said...

Come get me now you bully!! My bodyguard.

Anonymous said...

Buckles, what's the history on this elephant. Nice set of tusks.

Buckles said...

On the 26th of June I ran a set of pictures from Daryl Hoffman that included a picture of this big male that got quite a bit of comment.
That photo came from a movie called "Rings around the world" and was narrated by Don Ameche.

Anonymous said...

As a little girl I used to sit in the living room on Sunday nights watching Don Ameche's International Showtime, which showcased circus acts from around the world. I recall asking my Dad how those people DO all that stuff. He didn't know, but at least 40 years later, now I do. There's really no secret. Practice, pracice, and when your're done practicing, practice some more.

Anonymous said...

Concerning Sahib's background(im going by memory)
He was imported to Germany by Hagenbeck and sold to a circus,his original name was"August".
He died in Hannover Germany in 1968,
I think from natural causes.
He was about 40 years old

Anonymous said...

I still have a scar on my chin from my first set of stitches that I received from watching Don Ameche. A man was standing on his hands while building a tower of blocks under each fist. The blocks were being tossed to him by his assistant. I had no assistant and my tower of two ABC blocks collapsed when I tried to grab the third level from the floor. (I was cheating because my heels were against the wall.) My face broke my fall but unfortunately a block edge split my chin.

Anonymous said...

Don Ameche was on the panel of "To Tell The Truth" when I was on that program. He was gone tapeing a circus program so "Johnny Carson" replaced him. Carson was the only one to guess who I was. The question he asked was about elephants and the size of their ears.