"THE WALTER L. MAIN SHOW, which proudly advertised three rings, started in 1887 and was on the road until about 1904. The third ring had been introduced into circuses by James A. Bailey, who in 1887 teamed up with P.T. Barnum in the famous Barnum & Bailey Show, later bought by the Ringlings. Barnum had been the first owner to put the show on the rails (1872). Another historic cicus name of that period was Adam Forepaugh, who is said to have originated modern beauty contests. He offered a prize in 1880 for "America's Most Beautiful Woman." Louise Montague won the prize and thereafter rode in Forepaugh's street parade as "the $10,000 beauty."
Fred Pfening
This Main poster was used by the 1937 show owned by Bill Newton who bought a lot of old stock Riverside paper.
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