Monday, July 03, 2006

To Chris J.

My mother was the horse lover of the family and she collected most of these horse pictures. If you check out the Archives on this site, you can see many of her pictures that have already been sent out.
I came across this post card yesterday that you could possibly identify. The hand written title below appears to be "something" Karoly.
By the way, might I ask if you are related to Jack Joyce?


Anonymous said...

Hi Buckles,

Thanks for the picture!! I am not sure who the people are in this photo, but if the Karoly family visits this blog, I am sure they can help. Unfortunately, I am most familiar with the contemporary equestrians--I only know of older acts that I have either seen on your blog, or in the late Mr. Fox's book ('The Pictorial History of Performing Horses.')
As far as I know, I have no relation with that Jack Joyce, nor the author James Joyce--unless my family is not telling me something?!!! Just kidding. Happy Fourth of July!

Thanks again,

Anonymous said...

Mr. Woodcock,

Would you have photographs you could post of
the famous elephant actor of a long time ago
"Anna May"
of the old Selig Zoo in Los Angeles?
Her trainer was Joe Metcalf.
reportly she was purchased by
Col. Tom Selig and imported from Mysore India as a two-year old.
She made her debut in the feature 3 reeler,
She appeared in the first Tarzan movie with Elmo Lincoln(1918)
as well as other Tarzan movies with Herman Brix,Buster Crabbe and Johnny Weismuller,
and yes that is Anna May in
with Carey Grant(actually filmd near Lone Pine California).
I believe that was her last movie.
She died in 1939 and the old Selig zoo closed in March 1940.