Thursday, July 27, 2006

Big Apple Circus 1988-89 #3

Michael Christensen and Jeff Gordon.


Anonymous said...

Jeff’s clown face is very similar to my CW clown face of 1979 – 1986. My face was influenced greatly by our friend Buddy, and Buddy looks spooking similar to some famous clown from ancient Circus past. I flatter myself to think that I may have influenced Jeff in any way because he is the genuine clown as this year I celebrate my 30 years in the Central Florida Amusement Park Industry. As I travel through this Blog my heart screams ‘I could have been a contender!’ The plan was to set out on the road after my house was paid for, the kids were settled, and my Disney pension was achieved; but every portion of that dream seems to have dissolved. I have no regrets, and I thank Buckles for fueling, stoking, and setting a blaze the sawdust that will not leave my blood.

Anonymous said...

L J That is a beautiful comment. I know the feeling well. Thank you. I always enjoy your comments as you a way of making the life style and events real.