Monday, July 17, 2006

101 Ranch Program 1930 #3

"GEORGE L. MYERS and JACK BELL, Arena Director and Bandmaster, talking it over before Mr. Myers blows the first whistle"

Display No. 6
HIGH JUMPING HORSES, featuring ROWLAND HUNTER who presents the most smashing novelty of the season, "THE EQUESTIAN ACROBATIC HURDLE".

Display No. 7
Many tons of wise old elephants displaying unusual intelligence and remarkable precision in their many new tricks, the Best Troupe of Performing Elephants in America-CAPT. EARL MURRAY, trainer and presented by the petite MISS SELMA ZIMMERMAN.

Display No. 8
A remarkable leap by the RASMUSSENS, doing a somersalt jump over an automobile.

Display No. 9
INTRODUCTION OF THE WILD WEST. Introducing the entire personnel of the 101 Ranch Wild West with JACK HOXIE, the Universal Moving Picture Star. His leading Lady MISS DIXIE STARR and the Boss of the Ranch, COL. ZACK T. MILLER.

Display No. 10
BULL DOGGING, Very dangerous and difficult feat.